Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

ossa metatarsi I-V

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Current level ossa metatarsi I-V
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Short official Latin term
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71340 1224 tax
ossa metatarsi I-V; ossa metatarsalia I-V
metatarsals 1-5; metatarsal bones (pair)
# os metatarsi
# bone of metatarsus ; metatarsal bone
33817 1225 tax
basis ossis metatarsi (par)
base of bone of metatarsus (pair)
33826 1226 tax
corpus ossis metatarsi (par)
shaft of bone of metatarsus (pair); body of bone of metatarsus (pair)
33820 1227 tax
caput ossis metatarsi (par)
head of bone of metatarsus (pair)
24502 10895 tax
os metatarsale hallucis (par)
metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
42963 17278 tax
basis ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
base of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
43007 17279 tax
corpus ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
body of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
33815 17280 tax
caput ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
head of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
76643 1228 tax
tuberositas capitis ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
tuberosity of head of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
24503 10896 tax
os metatarsale digiti secundi pedis (par)
metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
42964 17282 tax
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
base of metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
43008 17283 tax
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
body of metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
33816 17284 tax
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
head of metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
24504 10897 tax
os metatarsale digiti tertii pedis (par)
metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
42965 17285 tax
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
base of metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
43009 17288 tax
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
body of metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
86313 17289 tax
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
head of metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
24505 10898 tax
os metatarsale digiti quarti pedis (par)
metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
42966 17290 tax
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
base of metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
43010 17291 tax
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
body of metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
86314 17292 tax
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
head of metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
24506 10899 tax
os metatarsale digiti quinti pedis (par)
metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
42967 17293 tax
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
base of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
43011 17294 tax
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
body of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
86315 17295 tax
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
head of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
76644 1229 tax
tuberositas capitis ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
tuberosity of head of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
27 lines
92.6 %
92.6 %
10 partial items
69 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 1224
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 68
Number of children 68 (validated)
Proper units 23
Number of units 23 (validated)
Signature 5853 (validated since 13.10.2024)
Date: 13.10.2024